Miguel Sedillo

Web Developer / Designer


art query

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A website designed for the user to reflect upon their tastes in art, and attempt to understand why they enjoy the art that they do. The site consists of a quiz in which the user must arrange and rank various pieces of art that change based on their selections. The quiz will then output an "art profile" telling the user about their objective and assumed preferences in art.

The site also has a bonus section that will display random art pieces with each click using the Chicago Art Institute and Met Museum APIs.

** Made with HTML, CSS, and vanilla JS **

Website: https://masqualerro.github.io/art-query/

Info, Process & Design

film archive

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A website created to share and archive my film-photography hobby. I designed this site to encourage interaction with my photos — I added key controls to the entire website to enable the user to apply and remove various filters to all images — to foster an active viewing experience instead of a passive one. The homepage displays featured collections, and a button to display a random shoot. There also exists a page to browse collections and an archive to view all images at once in a mosaic design.

** Made with HTML, CSS, and vanilla JS **

Website: https://masqualerro.github.io/film-photo-archive/

Info, Process & Design

music visualizer

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Music player and visualizer written in Processing using the Minim library. Inspired by early 2000s iTunes music player visualizers. App generates rectangular or ellipse patterns based on the waveform + bpm of the chosen song. User can customize the stroke color and desired shape of the visualizer pattern. User has the option to cycle between 5 different songs.

** Made with Processing & Java **


Run Program: https://github.com/masqualerro/music_visualizer_processing
***requires processing download -> instructions outlined on github repository

Info, Process & Design